Become A Brand Ambassador

What's a brand ambassador? 

Brand ambassadors serve as a envoy to the masses for Evergreen. Not only do they embody all of the values we hold dear, but also sport and promote our gear. It is your goal as a brand ambassador to help promote our "Go 2 Grow" philosophy and share photos and stories of your experiences with our product on social media. Simply put, we want you to go into the world, have some awesome adventures with your Evergreen gear and share those experiences and photos with the world. 

Why become a brand ambassador?

 Being a brand ambassador comes with a ton of perks! As a brand ambassador, you'll receive discounts on all of our products, be among the first to know about new upcoming products, gain access to exclusive brand ambassador gear and are able to participate in raffles for free swag and cases! Not only that, but we'll highlight your content across our social platforms to give you a bit of exposure as well. TLDR, being a brand ambassador is awesome.

How do I become a brand ambassador?

 You can apply online  using the link below. Brand ambassadors must be over 18 years old and reside in the United States. Once your application has been submitted, it will be reviewed and you will receive a response to your application within 7 business days of submission.

I'm a brand ambassador! Now what?

 First off, congrats! All we ask is that you post three times on Instagram to promote the Evergreen brand; it's that easy! Sooo, what do you talk about? What we want to hear about are your experiences, adventures and what motivates you as an Evergreen ambassador! Where did you go? What case did you bring? What was your experience? As you're sharing this experience we'd also ask that you use the hashtags: #Evergreen #Go2Grow #EGTrailBlazer and tag us on Instagram @Evergreencase. This content can be in the form of a story, regular post or IGTV. All photo/video content you share will be stored digitally by Evergreen and may used in future social media posts. For any of your content that we share, your account Instagram account will always be attributed. Brand ambassador status lasts till the end of the year and must be applied for again any subsequent year to continue being a brand ambassador. 

Click Here To Apply To Become a Brand Ambassador!